Travel With ALLMYNE

Letter from the Editor (February 2024)

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Hello Travelers!

Last month we did a deep dive into the world of mental health. This month, we are going to celebrate black pioneers in travel and architecture for Black History Month! You should expect to see stories on architects you’ve never heard of and explorers taking you to places you’ve never seen! I can’t wait to share this all with you. Also, if all things align in my personal life, I will have a special article to share with you all. However, I will keep you all waiting in anticipation for that!

In the meantime, feel free to peruse the blogs I’ve already posted in case you missed one. Take advantage of the new search function, as well, to find specific articles you want to read!

This is your editor signing off!

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Picture of Jaden Parker

Jaden Parker

Jaden Parker, an English Masters graduate from Penn State University, has been writing stories since elementary school.

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