Travel With ALLMYNE

Holiday Recipes: Glögg

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Hello everyone! We have a recipe for you all to enjoy from a member of our team. Follow along and make your very own cup of warm Swedish mulled wine!


  • 1 ½ quart port
  • 1 pint light sherry
  • 1 pint muscatel
  • 1 pint whiskey
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 8 to 10 cardamom seeds
  • 3 to 4 sticks of cinnamon
  • 1 orange peel
  • 1 cup dark raisins
  • 8 to 10 whole cloves
  • 12 whole blanched almonds



  1. Add the port, raisins, cardamom seeds, cloves, and cinnamon sticks to a large pot, and bring to a boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Add the sherry and muscatel, and bring to a boil.
  3. Add sugar and whiskey, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat once it’s all combined.
  4. Light the glögg with a match. Put out the fire after a minute.
  5. Add almonds and serve hot.

Glögg may be returned to any bottle and reheated.

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Picture of Jaden Parker

Jaden Parker

Jaden Parker, an English Masters graduate from Penn State University, has been writing stories since elementary school.

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